
At the University of Liverpool we are developing novel statistical approaches to the assessment of (liver) function, prognosis and diagnosis in patients with chronic liver disease

Liver function and prognosis

The underlying philosophy is that we use:
  1. large datasets
  2. widely available clinical features and
  3. extensive international validation,
so that the models are applicable globally, and in routine clinical practice.

Details of all the models are publicly available in international peer-reviewed journals; links and commentaries are available throughout this website.

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This model permits prediction of survival in patients with advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma receiving Sorafenib.

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These models predict survival after Trans ArterialChemoEmbolisation (TACE) as primary palliative treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

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The ALBI score is a modern refinement of the CPS whereby all the prognostic information contained within the CPS is extracted from just the Albumin and Bilirubin levels after appropriate statistical modification (hence ALBI).

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The ERASL models permit estimation of risk of early recurrence before and after resection as well as the likelihood that any such resection will result in cure with respect to the healthy population or those with chronic liver disease without HCC.

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Both sorafenib and TACE are palliative treatments for advanced HCC. This model permits the clinician to enter a patient’s clinical features and access directly, the predicted survival for either treatment.

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Using a combination of ALBI and FIB-4 scores, we present here a model that identifies patients with compensated hepatic cirrhosis as being at low or high risk of subsequent decompensation.